Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 7 Assignment

The focus of this week’s post will be Account Hijacking in cloud environment. So what is Account Hijacking? An article by Digital Guardian describes it as “a process in which an individual or organization’s cloud account is stolen or hijacked by an attacker”. The stolen account information is later used to conduct malicious or unauthorized activity. The cloud environment is especially vulnerable to potential attacks of this sort, because of the huge amount of data stored in one place and the multiple accounts sharing resources across the network.

An example of Account Hijacking attack happened on April 20th 2010 when cross-site scripting (XSS) was used to steal session IDs from Amazon Wireless customers. Session IDs are used to grant users access to their online accounts after they enter their password. It took the security team 12 hours to fix the bug, after it was first brought up to their attention.

Account hijacking attacks can damage an organization’s reputation and integrity when confidential data is leaked or lost, causing significant cost to businesses or their customers. Experts suggest the following steps to protect the data in the cloud: strong authentication for cloud app users, data is being backed up in the event of data loss, restriction of the IP addresses allowed to access cloud applications, multi-factor authentication and data encryption before it is sent to the cloud.

Lord, N., (2015, September 28), What is Cloud Account Hijacking?,  retrieved from

Goodin, D., (2010, April 20), Amazon purges account hijacking threat from site, retrieved from

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