Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week 6 Assignment

For this week’s post I am going to look at the shared technology vulnerabilities as a security concern to cloud computing.
Cloud providers deliver services by sharing infrastructure, platform and applications. One of the essential characteristics of the cloud is resource pooling – resources that are used to provide the cloud service are realized, using a homogeneous infrastructure that is shared between all service users. The underlying components of the infrastructure, supporting the cloud, may not have been designed with strong isolation properties that are needed for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. This can lead to shared technology vulnerabilities that can be exploited in all service models. The impact of a compromised piece of shared technology can be devastating and potentially affect the entire cloud. Resource pooling enables several customers to share certain network infrastructure components, vulnerabilities in a DNS server, DHCP and IP protocols might cause a network-based cross-tenant attack.

To mitigate the risks of shared technology vulnerabilities, multifactor authentication on all hosts should be implemented, along with Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) and Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). A defense in-depth strategy can be used for security enforcement and monitoring. Another point to mention is the partnership between the cloud provider and the customer – the security of the cloud is a shared responsibility and both sides need to take preventative actions to protect the infrastructure, services and data.

The Treacherous 12 Cloud Computing Top Threats in 2016, (February 2016), prepared by the Cloud Security Alliance, retrieved from
Grobauer, B., Walloscheck, T., Stöcker, E., (2011, August 15), Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities, retrieved from
Ma, Joy, (2015, December 14), Top 10 Security Concerns for Cloud-Based Services, retrieved from

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