Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 3 Assignment

Every cloud service and application today offers application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs are used to manage and interact with the cloud services and the security and availability of general cloud services (authentication, access control, encryption, activity monitoring, etc.) is dependent upon the security of the APIs. Third parties that rely on APIs and build on these interfaces introduce the complexity of a new layered API, which increases risk as organizations may need to expose more services and credentials. Security issues related to confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability may arise.
Examples of poorly secured APIs are anonymous access and/or reusable tokens or passwords, clear-text authentication or transmission of content, inflexible access controls or improper authorizations, limited monitoring and logging capabilities, unknown service or API dependencies. In January 2014, insecure APIs were connected to a Snapchat data breach that affected approximately 4.6 million users. While APIs weren't directly to blame, they allowed hackers to match Snapchat users' phone numbers with usernames on a massive scale.
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recommends analyzing the security model of cloud provider interfaces; implementing strong authentication, access control and encryption; understanding APIs dependencies; and penetration testing.

Organizations often put speed of development first, neglecting attention to detail. Developers should take the time to fully understand the security implications associated with using, managing and monitoring APIs and the potential risks of sharing user data.

Top Threats to Cloud Computing V1.0 (March 2010), prepared by the Cloud Security Alliance, retrieved from
Fahmida Y. Rashid (2016, March 11) The dirty dozen: 12 cloud security threats, retrieved from
Michael Cobb (n.d.) API security: How to ensure secure API use in the enterprise, retrieved from:  

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